Protegim la teva llar

Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory

Serveis de seguretat mecànica per a la teva llar

Millora la seguretat de casa teva amb experts.

Assessorament personalitzat per a la teva seguretat.

Instal·lació de sistemes de seguretat avançats.

Solucions per portes de comunitats.

An assortment of locks and keys is displayed in a shop window. The window is framed with brown wood, and a wire mesh covers the glass. Various types of locks, including padlocks and antique keys, are visible. There are also licenses and signs visible inside the shop.
An assortment of locks and keys is displayed in a shop window. The window is framed with brown wood, and a wire mesh covers the glass. Various types of locks, including padlocks and antique keys, are visible. There are also licenses and signs visible inside the shop.

Serveis de seguretat

Oferim assessorament i millores de seguretat per a la teva llar i oficina a Barcelona.

Assessorament personalitzat

Analitzem les necessitats de seguretat de la teva llar o oficina per oferir solucions efectives.

Una llar segura és una llar tranquila

És moltt habitual que per desconeixement, pensem que tenim un bon pay a casa sense saber que és molt vulnerable. posa sol.lució i actualitza't!

Manteniment constant

Oferim serveis de manteniment per comunitats per garantir que els teus sistemes de seguretat funcionin sempre correctament.
An old-fashioned brass padlock is fastened on a weathered, ornate metal surface with a lion motif. The padlock is labeled with the brand name Squire and features intricate details on its surface.
An old-fashioned brass padlock is fastened on a weathered, ornate metal surface with a lion motif. The padlock is labeled with the brand name Squire and features intricate details on its surface.
Assegura casa teva i cambia aquesta clau
Exemples de claus de panys obsolets, canvia'l

Sobre nosaltres

Som un negoci de serralleria a Barcelona, estem al barri de Les Corts i oferim servei tota la província de Barcelona especialitzats en assessorament i millores de seguretat per a la llar i les oficines. Protegim la teva llar amb solucions personalitzades, econòmiques i efectives.

Opinions Clients

Descobreix què diuen els nostres clients sobre la seguretat.

Excelente servicio, muy profesional. Precio justo. Aconsejando la buena cerradura, haciendo la instalación rápida y muy detallista. Muy recomendable.

A. Carnad
A close-up of hands manipulating a combination lock embedded in a textured, rugged surface, possibly a safe or chest.
A close-up of hands manipulating a combination lock embedded in a textured, rugged surface, possibly a safe or chest.


Un trabajo fantástico. Un gran profesional. Muy agradable el trato rápido y eficaz. Lo recomiendo totalmente.

A hand holding a set of keys is reaching to open a series of safety deposit boxes. Some boxes are open, and the keyholes are visible. The boxes are metallic, numbered, and arranged in an organized manner.
A hand holding a set of keys is reaching to open a series of safety deposit boxes. Some boxes are open, and the keyholes are visible. The boxes are metallic, numbered, and arranged in an organized manner.
Octavi S

